📢 華語教學中心114年教育部外國學生華語文能力精進計畫
📌主題:語言與科技之旅—AR/VR體驗 Language and Technology Journey — AR/VR Experience
🎤 講者:國立屏東大學 資訊學院 張文智副院長 Speaker: Prof. Wen-Chih Chang, Vice-Dean of College of Computer Science
🎮 沉浸式科技體驗!外國學生專屬 AR/VR 體驗活動
🔹 什麼是AR(擴增實境)? 透過手機或特殊設備,讓虛擬物件出現在現實世界中,像是 Pokémon GO 就是最經典的例子!
🔹 什麼是 VR(虛擬實境)? 戴上 VR 頭盔,你將進入 360 度環繞的虛擬世界,彷彿真的置身其中,體驗極致沉浸感!
✨ 當日體驗設備包括 The experience equipment includes ✨
🎏 AR 水族箱 AR Aquarium 🏎 VR 賽車 VR Racing 🚴 VR 腳踏車VR bicycle
💺 9D 動感雙人蛋型座椅 9D Dynamic Double Egg Seat 🌍 地面投影系統 ground projection AR interactive system
更多關於VAR體感技術中心資訊👉 點擊這裡 More information about the VAR Center 👉 Click here
🔥名額有限 歡迎有興趣的同學踴躍報名! 🔥
🔥Limited spots available Students who are interested are welcome to sign up! 🔥
📅活動日期: 114年4月28日(星期一) 15:30-18:00 *報到時間:15:30-15:40
Date & Time: April 28, 2025 (Monday), 15:30–18:00 *Check-in Time: 15:30–15:40
📍集合地點/時間: VAR體感技術中心1樓(學生餐廳前) / 15:30–15:40
Gathering place/time: VAR Center (in front of the student cafeteria) / 15:30–15:40
📍活動地點: 屏商校區 VAR體感技術中心(綜合餐廳2、3樓)
Event Location: Pingshang Campus VAR Center (Student cafeteria 2nd & 3rd Floor)
🎯報名對象: 國立屏東大學外國學生(外國學位生、交換生優先錄取) *限額20位*
Target Participants: Foreign students of National Pingtung University (International degree students and exchange students have priority for admission). *Limited to 20 participants*
📝 名額上限: 20位
Quota: 20 participants
⏳報名期間: 即日起至4月22日(星期一)17:00截止,錄取結果將於4月23日(星期二)公告於中心網頁並以電子郵件通知,始完成報名。
Registration Period: From now until April 22 (Monday) at 17:00. The list of accepted participants will be announced on April 23 (Tuesday) on the center’s website and notified via email. Registration is only considered complete upon receiving the confirmation email.
🔗報名方式:活動一律採線上報名,請掃描海報QR code或點選線上報名連結
Registration Method: All registrations must be completed online. Please scan the QR code on the poster or click the online registration link.
⚠️注意事項 報名參加活動則同意接受照片和影片作為公開紀錄 Notice: By registering for the event, you agree to the use of photos and videos for public records.
如有任何問題,歡迎洽詢國立屏東大學國際學院華語教學中心 Contact Information: For any inquiries, please contact the Chinese Language Center of National Pingtung University.
📧電子信箱Email: clc@mail.nptu.edu.tw
📞電 話Phone: 08-7663800#24002