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non-R.O.C. nationals without NHI cards who are diagnosed with COVID-19 in Taiwan to pay their medical costs during their isolation period themselves starting January 1, 2023

CECC explains its plan to require non-R.O.C. nationals without NHI cards who are diagnosed with COVID-19 in Taiwan to pay their medical costs during their isolation period themselves starting January 1, 2023

On December 5, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that, in consideration of a steady increase in the number of inbound travelers, it plans to adjust the eligibility criteria for the government's program to cover the medical expenses of people diagnosed with COVID-19 during their isolation period (based on the nationality/National Health Insurance status at the time of diagnosis). The adjustments about eligibility, which will take effect on January 1, 2023, are listed below.

A. The government will cover the medical expenses related to isolation and treatment of R.O.C. nationals (regardless of NHI status), non-R.O.C. nationals enrolled in the NHI program, and employed foreign nationals in Taiwan (including blue-collar foreign workers, white-collar foreign workers, missing foreign workers, and foreign fishermen employed by domestic entities) during their isolation period.

B. Non-R.O.C. nationals not enrolled in the NHI program should pay their medical expenses during their isolation period if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 in Taiwan.

source of press release:https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/Bulletin/Detail/XkhPSHmVvpUvdEhHjwx8kw?typeid=158



二、不具健保身分之非本國籍人士如於在臺期間確診,其確診隔離治療期間相關費用由個案自行負擔。 指揮中心說明,請相關部會(外交部、內政部、教育部、交通部等)宣導不具健保身分之外籍人士(含旅客、短期來臺交換學生等)於入境前建議投保醫療險,


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