
【活動】高雄美濃x旗山 文化走讀

📢 華語教學中心114年教育部外國學生華語文能力精進計畫—文化走讀活動 National Pingtung University - Cultural Excursion


讓我們一起走訪美濃 & 旗山,體驗台灣獨特的客家文化與歷史風華!✨  

       Let’s explore Meinong & Qishan together and experience Taiwan’s unique Hakka culture and historical charm!

🌏 不僅是旅行,更是一次沉浸式的文化學習體驗! 

       It’s not just a trip, but an immersive cultural learning experience!

 🔥名額有限🔥 歡迎有興趣的同學踴躍報名! 

🔥Limited spots available🔥  Students who are interested are welcome to sign up enthusiastically! 

📅 活動日期11453日(六)08:30-18:30

       Date & Time: May 3, 2025 (Saturday), 08:30-18:30

📍 活動地點:高雄市美濃區、旗山區

       Event Location: Meinong and Qishan, Kaohsiung City

🎯 報名對象:國立屏東大學外國學生(外國學位生、交換生優先錄取)

     Target Participants: Foreign students of National Pingtung University (International degree students and exchange students have priority for admission).

💰 報名費:新台幣100

       Registration Fee: NT$100



       Registration Period: From now until April 15 (Tuesday) at 17:00. The list of accepted participants will be announced on April 17 (Thursday) on the Chinese Language Center’s website and via email. Registration is only complete after receiving the confirmation email. After receiving the acceptance notice, participants must pay the NT$100 registration fee at the Chinese Language Center and collect the event T-shirt.

🔗報名方式:活動一律採線上報名,請掃描海報QR code或點選線上報名連結

     Registration: All registrations must be completed online. Please scan the QR code on the poster or click the online registration link.

💡 行程亮點
🎨 手作體驗:【原鄉緣紙傘文化村】彩繪美濃油紙傘,親手創作屬於你的藝術品!
🍽️ 美食饗宴:【原鄉緣餐館】品嚐地道客家菜,感受傳統風味!
🏛️ 文化巡禮:參訪【廣進勝濟南堂】,欣賞客家建築之美!
🍬 懷舊之旅:走進【旗山糖廠】,回味甜蜜的歷史!
📜 人文探索:參訪【旗山孔廟】,感受儒家文化的智慧與精神!

       Event Highlights:

    🎨 Handmade Experience: Visit Yuan Xiang Yuan Paper Umbrella Cultural Village and paint your own traditional Meinong oil-paper umbrella!

    🍽️ Local Delicacies: Enjoy authentic Hakka cuisine and savor traditional flavors!

    🏛️ Cultural Tour: Explore Guang Jin Sheng Jinan Hall and admire the beauty of Hakka architecture!

    🍬 Nostalgic Journey: Visit Qishan Sugar Factory and experience the sweet history of Taiwan!

    📜 Humanities & Exploration: Discover the wisdom and spirit of Confucian culture at Qishan Confucius Temple!

⚠️注意事項 報名參加活動則同意接受照片和影片作為公開紀錄  Notice: By registering for the event, you agree to the use of photos and videos for public records.

如有任何問題,歡迎洽詢國立屏東大學國際學院華語教學中心 (屏師校區敬業樓2F)

Contact Information: For any inquiries, please contact the Chinese Language Center (2F, Jing-yen Building, Ping-shih Campus)

   📧電子信箱Email: clc@mail.nptu.edu.tw

   📞    Phone: 08-7663800#24002
