

法規依據│Legal Basis

申請資格│Application Eligibility



Applicants must be at least 18 years old or possess a high school diploma or equivalent in order to apply for courses at this center. Teenagers aged 15 to 17 may participate in courses at this center if they have a signed consent form from a parent or guardian and if the guardian and if the guardian resides in Taiwan.

  • 全職生(Full-Time):持學生簽證,需要向中心申請在學證明以延長簽證者,每周最少上課15小時。
    Full-time Students: Students holding a student visa are required to apply to the center for a proof of enrollment in order to extend their visa. They must attend classes for a minimum of 15 hours per week.
  • 進修生(Part-Time):持非學生簽證,無須在學證明延長簽證者。(申請者必須已持有合法在台居留文件)
    Part-time Students: Students holding non-student visas do not need to apply for proof of enrollment to extend their visas. (Applicants must possess valid residence documents in Taiwan.)


  1. 報名短期課程(少於一學期)者,本中心恕不核發入學通知書。
  2. 文件如非中文或英文,需檢附正式中文或英文翻譯本。
  3. 申請「研習中文簽證」為中華民國停留簽證的一種,簽證註記代碼為FR,以此簽證來台者可在臺憑就學事實及合格之出缺席紀錄延長停留期間。
  4. 越南學生須繳基本外語能力證明 - 相關規定請參考 此連結








    Under A1










    Level 1





    Level 2





    Level 3





    Level 4





    Level 5





    Level 6




  5. 華語能力等級對照(https://tocfl.edu.tw/index.php/test/reading/list/8)

Please note:

  1. For those who enroll in short-term courses (less than one semester), the center will not issue admission notices.
  2. If the document is not in Chinese or English, an official translation in Chinese or English must be attached.
  3. "Visitor Visa for Studying Chinese Purpose" is a type of stay visa in the Republic of China (Taiwan), with the visa code FR. Those holding this visa can extend their stay in Taiwan based on their actual enrollment and qualified attendance records.
  4. Vietnamese students are required to submit proof of basic foreign language ability - for relevant regulations, please refer to this link.
  5. Table of Mandarin Proficiency Levels




Registration Procedures
【Step 1】Submit Application Documents According to Applicant's Identity Online Submission of Application Form <Click Here>
Before applying, please refer to the Republic of China (Taiwan) website to understand information regarding visa applications for citizens of your country. After sending the completed application form and attachments, please get in touch with our center to confirm whether the information has been received.
  1. 線上入學申請表一份 
  2. 護照影本,若有居留證也請附上 

  3. 最近三個月內的照片電子檔一份(:4.2cm x :4.7cm) 

  4. 最高學歷證明影本一份(高中或高中以上成績單或在學證明或畢業證書影本一份;若文憑非中文或英文,請檢附合格譯者翻譯版本)

【Required Documents for Submission

The following is a list of documents required for your admission application:

  1. Online Application Form for Admission: Please complete the online application form. 
  2. Passport Copy: Please provide a photocopy of your passport. If you have a residence permit, please include a copy of that as well.
  3. Recent Photo in Electronic Format: Please upload a photo taken within the last three months, with dimensions of Width: 4.2cm x Height: 4.7cm.
  4. Proof of Highest Educational Attainment: Please provide a photocopy of your highest diploma or transcript from high school or higher education, along with a graduation certificate if available. If your diploma is not in Chinese or English, please attach a translation by a certified translator recognized by the Taiwan (R.O.C.) diplomatic affairs.


  1. 需要申請簽證者, 請務必上傳此檔案,申請教育部華語文獎學金或臺灣獎學金者,得以申請書或獎學金證書替代財力證明。
  2. 三個月內銀行帳戶存款餘額達NT$100,000 US$3,500 以上之存款證明。
  3. 由申請人親屬支持的銀行對帳單或匯款記錄必須與家庭登記/出生證明/家庭書一併提交,以證明親屬的關係。
  4. 越南學生須繳基本外語能力證明 - 相關規定請參考。

【Additional Documents Required for Visa Applicants

  1. Visa applicants are required to upload your financial proof. Applicants for the Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program or Taiwan Scholarship Program may use a scholarship certificate in place of financial proof.
  2. Proof of bank account balance reaching NT$100,000 or US$3,500 or more within the last three months.
  3. The bank statements or remittance records from a relative supporting the applicant must be submitted along with the family relationship.
  4. Vietnamese students are required to submit proof of their basic foreign language proficiency. Please refer to the relevant regulations for more details.


  1. (非必要)相關華語能力測驗證書,如有TOCFLHSK證書,請隨同報名表檢附。

  2. 若為轉學生, 請附上原就讀學校在學證明及成績單一份。
  3. 須申請汽/機車停車證者,請檢附臺灣行照與駕照,汽車停車費每學期400元。
【Documents Required for Other Specific Requirements
  1. (Optional) Relevant Chinese language proficiency test certificates, if available, such as TOCFL or HSK certificates, please attach them along with the application form.
  2. If you are a transfer student, please provide a certificate of enrollment and one copy of your transcript from your previous school.
  3. If you need to apply for a car/motorcycle parking permit, please attach your Taiwan vehicle registration and driver's license. The car parking fee is NT$400 per semester.





The application review process takes approximately two weeks. Once your application has been successfully reviewed, we will mail the original acceptance letter to the address provided on your application form and send scanned copies to your email address (approximately 15 working days after processing).

All application documents must be submitted before the deadline. Once the documents are submitted, they cannot be returned or copied. It is recommended that applicants make photocopies of all applications documents for their records. Copies of guardian certificates and transcripts must be authenticated by the official embassy, representative office, or authorized agency of our country abroad. For languages other than Chinese or English, please provide a Chinese or English translation. 

Applicants can only apply for admission according to the schedule and deadlines specified for each academic term. Please assess the time between receiving the admission offer and the visa application process, and we recommend that applicants submit their application documents as early as possible to ensure sufficient time for visa procedures. 

【步驟二】 遞交報名文件方式

地 址:90003臺灣屏東市林森路1號敬業樓2樓

請準備好所有應備文件,email到 clc@mail.nptu.edu.tw

【Step 2】Submission of Application Documents
[Submitting an application by mail from abroad]
Recipient: Chinese Language Center, National Pingtung University
Address: 2nd Floor, Jing-Ye Building, No.1, Linsen Rd., Pingtung City, 90003, Taiwan
[Online application]
Prepare all the documents and email them to clc@mail.nptu.edu.tw
[In-person application]
Please bring your passport, residence permit, visa, and all application documents, and personally submit them to the Chinese Language Center.
※ 提醒您:
  • 申請學生簽證者,請確認在入境台灣前先拿到學校核發的入學通知單,再到海外的中華民國大使館或各駐外館處辦事處辦理學生簽證再入境。Once you have your enrollment certificate, go to a Taiwanese Visa office in your home country (Check MOFA). Students who have arranged a student visa can enter the country.
  • 獲得本中心核發之入學通知書後,請與離您最近的中華民國大使館或各駐外館處辦事處聯絡,以便知道還需要準備什麼文件及辦理簽證需要多少錢。
  • 台灣駐國外辦事處有權利拒發簽證。
  • 拿到簽證後,購買機票來台灣,便可到學校辦理註冊繳費及報到。
  • 若申請截止之後,報名後資料仍有缺漏,請於一個月內補齊,否則將自動取消申請。
  • 若您在準備資料的過程中,有任何疑問,歡迎來電(+8867663800 ext.24001~24002)或以Email(clc@mail.nptu.edu.tw)來信確認。
  • 中華民國外交部規定,特定國家人士無法申請來台研習中文之簽證,請自行確認相關規定。

※ Please note:

  • For those applying for a student visa, please ensure that you have received the admission notice issued by the school before entering Taiwan. Afterward, visit the overseas Republic of China (Taiwan) embassy or consulate or their authorized offices to process your student visa before re-entering Taiwan.
  • After receiving the admission notice issued by our center, please contact the nearest Republic of China (Taiwan) embassy or consulate or their authorized offices to inquire about any additional required documents and the cost of processing the visa.
  • Taiwan's overseas missions have the authority to refuse  visa issuance.
  • After obtaining your visa, you can purchase a plane ticket to Taiwan and then proceed to the school to complete the registration, pay the fees, and complete the registration process.
  • If there are missing documents or information in your application after the application deadline, please make sure to provide the required materials within one month. Failure to do so may result in the automatic cancellation of your application.
  • If you have any questions during the application process, please feel free to contact us by phone at (+886) 7663-800 ext.24001 or 24002 or by email at clc@mail.nptu.edu.tw for clarification.
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has regulations in place that prevent individuals from specific countries from applying for visas to study Chinese in Taiwan. Please verify the relevant regulations on your own.


  1. 登入 簽證申請表系統 填寫資訊,並列印包含條碼之表格文件。
  2. 憑入學通知書至最近的中華民國大使館或各駐外館處辦事處申請簽證。

※ 注意:入學許可書僅發給需申請簽證之學生;報名資料審查約需兩週處理,一旦通過審核,我們將郵寄錄取通知正本至您申請表填寫的地址,並寄送掃描檔案到電子信箱。(約經15個工作天後寄出。)

【Step 3】Student Visa Application 

Log in Visa Application, enter Information, and print the Barcode-Enabled Application Form. 

Apply for Visa at the Nearest Republic of China Embassy or overseas missions with Your Admission Notice. 

※Note: Admission letters are only issued to students requiring a visa application. The application review process takes approximately two weeks, and once approved, we will send the original acceptance letter to the address provided on your application form and email scanned copies (approximately 15 working days after processing). 






※ 備註:請參閱本中心 → 費用及退費辦法

【Step 4】Payment Methods 

After a successful review of your documents, we will send you the course schedule and payment details. We accept payment in cash. 

Upon receiving the admission notice, you can proceed to the school on the specified registration date to complete the registration process and make the payment. All fees are to be paid in full on the registration day. 

We accept payment in cash, and tuition fees are non-transferable. In the event of a significant incident preventing further attendance, you may request a refund in writing. After approval by the Center Director, refunds will be processed according to the center's established refund policy. 

※ Note: Please refer to the "Fees and Refund Policy" section on our center's website for more information. 

【步驟五】 註冊報到



  1. 入學通知書。
  2. 學歷證書正本(備驗)。
  3. 護照或居留證正本(備驗)。
  4. 護照相片頁及簽證影本各一份或居留證印本一份。
  5. 照片2張。
  6. 報名費、學費(所有費用一律以現金繳款,恕不接受信用卡及支票)。

【Step 5】Registration 

All recipients of the "Admission Notice" are required to register on the specified date as indicated in the notice. 

During registration, you will undergo a Chinese language proficiency test to determine your class placement based on your proficiency level. 

Registration must be done in person, and you should bring the following documents to the Chinese Language Center for enrollment: 

  1. Admission Notice 

  1. Original academic certificate (for verification) 

  1. Passport or original residence permit (for verification) 

  1. One copy of the photo page of your passport and visa or one copy of your residence permit 

  1. Two passport-sized photos 

  1. Registration fee and tuition fees (all payments must be made in cash; credit cards and checks are not accepted) 

【學生守則 Student Regulation】Click Here



【Student Code of Conduct】Click Here

This code of conduct is subject to legal changes and adjustments, and the latest content shall prevail in accordance with legal regulations. If you have any questions, please contact the Chinese Language Center! 

In case of any discrepancies between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
