Customized Mandarin Courses
華語專班│ Chinese Customized Courses |
個人班│Individual Course
【課程介紹│About Course】
Individual classes can arrange instructors and course content according to the student's learning needs. Courses are available for daily conversation, business Mandarin, travel Mandarin, and Mandarin proficiency tests. After completing the registration process, classes can be scheduled, with one term consisting of 24 hours, and each session is scheduled for a minimum of 2 hours.
Individual classes are typically one-on-one, with a maximum of up to three people. You can attend classes with friends, family, or colleagues. This format is ideal for short-term stays in Taiwan, those studying in Taiwan, and learners who need intensive practice before taking Mandarin proficiency tests. The courses are flexible, allowing students to focus on specific Mandarin skills and achieve maximum learning benefits in the shortest amount of time.
【招生對象│Prospective Students】
- 需申請「研習中文」簽證者:申請者必須在開課前2個月提出申請,由本中心審核後發給入學通知,再由申請者備妥相關文件向當地駐外辦事處申請簽證。
Applicant needs VISA for "Studying Chinese": Applicants are required to submit their applications two months before the start of the semester. After a review by Center, an Admission Approval will be sent to applicant by mail. Subsequently, applicants should prepare the necessary documents and apply for a VISA at the local Representative Office.
- 已具備合法在臺居留文件者:申請者直接填寫線上報名表,確認可以開課之後,完成繳費即可上課。
Applicants with valid resident documents: For applicants holding a valid residence permit in Taiwan can register online and pay tuition before the courses.
【費用│Tuition Fee】
Each class costs NTD$ 700, with a minimum of 24 classes per term.
【退費規定│Refund Policy】
- 退費規定依據「專科以上學校推廣教育實施辦法」,註冊繳費至開學日前一天退還學費九成,上課未逾該期三分之一者退費五成,上課逾三分之一不予退費。
Tuition fees are refundable at 90% until the day before the start of classes. If withdrawal occurs before one-third of the course duration, a 50% refund is applicable; however, no refunds will be provided for withdrawals beyond one-third of the course duration.
- 「退費」僅包含學費,其他費用包含報名費、保險費及教材費等均不退費。
"Refund" only includes tuition fees; other fees such as registration fees, insurance fees, and textbook fees are non-refundable.
- 提醒您,本中心退費只能退還至申請者在臺灣境內開立的金融機構帳戶。
Reminder: Please note that refunds from CLC can only be transferred to the applicant's financial institution account within Taiwan.
團體專班│Group Course
【課程介紹│About Course】
Group classes require a minimum of 8 students per class and can be customized based on students' learning objectives. Options include 60-hour and 90-hour courses, with classes held at least twice a week and each session lasting a minimum of 2 hours. The curriculum includes systematic Mandarin instruction and cultural experiential activities. This format is suitable for corporate groups, club organizations, and study tour groups looking to arrange customized short-term courses. For further details, please contact CLC office.
【招生對象│Prospective Students】
- 需申請「研習中文」簽證者:申請者必須在開課前2個月提出申請,由本中心審核後發給入學通知,再由申請者備妥相關文件向當地駐外辦事處申請簽證。
Applicant needs VISA for "Studying Chinese": Applicants are required to submit their applications two months before the start of the semester. After a review by Center, an Admission Approval will be sent to applicant by mail. Subsequently, applicants should prepare the necessary documents and apply for a VISA at the local Representative Office.
- 已具備合法在臺居留文件者:申請者直接填寫線上報名表,確認可以開課之後,完成繳費即可上課。
Applicants with valid resident documents: For applicants holding a valid residence permit in Taiwan can register online and pay tuition before the courses.
【費用│Tuition Fee】
60小時課:學費10800元。 (每週上課2次,每次上課3小時)
60 hours classes: NTD$ 10800 per term. (2 days for 3 hours, 6 hours per week)
90 hours classes: NTD$ 16200 per term. (3 days for 3 hours, 9 hours per week)
【退費規定│Refund Policy】
- 退費規定依據「專科以上學校推廣教育實施辦法」,註冊繳費至開學日前一天退還學費九成,上課未逾該期三分之一者退費五成,上課逾三分之一不予退費。
Tuition fees are refundable at 90% until the day before the start of classes. If withdrawal occurs before one-third of the course duration, a 50% refund is applicable; however, no refunds will be provided for withdrawals beyond one-third of the course duration.
- 「退費」僅包含學費,其他費用包含報名費、保險費及教材費等均不退費。
"Refund" only includes tuition fees; other fees such as registration fees, insurance fees, and textbook fees are non-refundable.
- 提醒您,本中心退費只能退還至申請者在臺灣境內開立的金融機構帳戶。
Reminder: Please note that refunds from CLC can only be transferred to the applicant's financial institution account within Taiwan.