
費用Tuition & Fees

Although the cost of Pingtung is lower than that of major cities such as Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, the Chinese Language Center recommends that your financial planning must include tuition, boarding and lodging, utilities, telephone bills, installation fees, or travel expenses. The following list is for your reference :

必要費用Necessary expenses 】

一、簽證或居留證費用 The fees for visas or ARCs
The application fees for visas and Alien Resident Certificates (ARCs) are determined in accordance with the regulations set by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Immigration Agency.

二、學費 Tuition fee
Please check the courses page. It may be from NT$12,000(24 hours course) to NT$ 27,000(165 hours course), usually pay by cash, using a credit card has an additional bank fee.
Credit card fees are borne by the students.

三、保險 Insurance
1.學生團體意外保險 Accident Insurance
Accident insurance is also provided for the students enrolled at CLC, the insurance fee depends on the statement by an insurance company (about NTD 2,250/quarter).

If a student is already covered by national health insurance, there is no need to participate in group accident insurance.


2.全民健康保險 National Health Insurance
費用為每月NT$826  Fee: NT$ 826 per month
依據中華民國教育部「外國學生來臺就學辦法」規定:「外國學生註冊時,新生應檢附已投保自入境當日起至少六個月效期之醫療及傷害保險,在校生應檢附我國全民健康保險等相關保險證明文件。前項保險證明如為國外所核發者,應經駐外機構驗證。」 在台就讀滿4個月並繼續註冊3個月以上,且符合居留簽證之要件者,得於所持停留簽證之停留期限屆滿至少8個工作天前,向本局或外交部中、南、東部、雲嘉南辦事處申請改換居留簽證(請參考網頁:外籍人士來台研習中文在台申請居留簽證手續說明)。本項作業需8個工作天。 持居留簽證滿六個月之學員,須持「外僑居留證」向居留所在地之區(鄉、鎮、市)公所投保「全民健康保險」,
Those who have an ARC card and have been staying in Taiwan for consecutive 6 months MUST apply for the National Health Insurance (you may leave Taiwan once for less than 30 days; the days you stay in Taiwan shall be exactly 6 months in total, the days you are out of Taiwan excluded)


四、書籍及教材費 Textbook
費用根據不同的課程而定,約需新臺幣600-2,000元不等 (根據書籍種類而訂)。
According to different courses, is between NT$600-2,000.

時代華語 Modern Chinese - 正中書局
Practical Audio-Visual Chinese - 正中書局
A Course in Contemporary Chinese - 聯經出版公司
Far East Everyday Chinese - 遠東圖書公司
Practical Chinese Reading and Writing - 國立臺灣師範大學出版中心
Modern Chinese for Thai Learners - 聯經出版公司
Learning Chinese with Newspaper
Practical Business Conversation
Materials edited by CLC, NPTU



一、住宿費 Dormitory fees
*本校提供宿舍,1學期(約4個月)的宿舍費用介於新臺幣9,800~16,000元不等 (根據住宿安排而訂)。
If you want to apply our students' dormitory, the fees are between NT$9,800 to 16,000/4 months which according to the room type.

*校外每個月的住宿費用介於新臺幣4,000~20,000元不等 (根據不同房型而訂)。
If you want to rent house.  The rental in Pingtung City is between NT$4,000 to 10,000/per month.

Living expenses
In Pingtung City, you may spend average NT$7,000-9,000 per month.  However, it still depend on your needs. 
Other expenses such as transportation, entertainment, or clothing, etc.  It also depend on personal choice.