【全民健康保險資訊 National Health Insurance】
一、資格:在台灣持有外僑居留證之外籍人士 ,應自在台灣居留滿六個月之日起參加健保(期間僅可離境一次未逾30天,且實際居留日仍需計滿6個月),可申請全民健康保險。
Those who have an ARC AND have been staying in Taiwan for consecutive 6 months can apply for the National Health Insurance (you may leave Taiwan once for less than 30 days; the days you stay in Taiwan shall be exactly 6 months in total, the days you are out of Taiwan excluded).
Fee: NT$ 826 per month.
三、申請辦法:填寫申請表後,黏貼二吋相片一張及ARC之正反面影本、攜帶護照至居住所在地的區公所 (市公所) 或中央健康保險署辦理投保 。
Application: One should take the application form attached a 2- inch color photo, a photocopy of ARC (front and back) and passport to the office of National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare.
For more details and regulations, please contact the office of National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (The Bureau of National Health Insurance Website: http://www.nhi.gov.tw/ ).
服務時間:週一至週五 8:30 AM~12:30 PM, 1:30 ~5:30 PM
【學校團體意外保險 Accident Insurance】
於本中心就讀之學生,中心亦將協助投保意外醫療保險,此保險自每學季開學當日起生效,三個月為一期,以保險公司報價為準(約每季NTD 1500)。欲投保者,請於註冊當日同時辦理投保;如欲續保,請於當期課程最後一週向本中心辦公室洽詢。
Accident insurance is also provided for the students enrolled at CLTC. The accident insurance comes valid on the first day of each quarter for the duration of 3 months as the regular term. The insurance fee depends on the statement by insurance company (about NTD 1500/quarter). Those who would like to have the insurance shall apply for it on the registration day; to continue the insurance, please apply for it within the last week of each semester.
一、資格:在台灣持有外僑居留證之外籍人士 ,應自在台灣居留滿六個月之日起參加健保(期間僅可離境一次未逾30天,且實際居留日仍需計滿6個月),可申請全民健康保險。
Those who have an ARC AND have been staying in Taiwan for consecutive 6 months can apply for the National Health Insurance (you may leave Taiwan once for less than 30 days; the days you stay in Taiwan shall be exactly 6 months in total, the days you are out of Taiwan excluded).
Fee: NT$ 826 per month.
三、申請辦法:填寫申請表後,黏貼二吋相片一張及ARC之正反面影本、攜帶護照至居住所在地的區公所 (市公所) 或中央健康保險署辦理投保 。
Application: One should take the application form attached a 2- inch color photo, a photocopy of ARC (front and back) and passport to the office of National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare.
For more details and regulations, please contact the office of National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (The Bureau of National Health Insurance Website: http://www.nhi.gov.tw/ ).
服務時間:週一至週五 8:30 AM~12:30 PM, 1:30 ~5:30 PM
【學校團體意外保險 Accident Insurance】
於本中心就讀之學生,中心亦將協助投保意外醫療保險,此保險自每學季開學當日起生效,三個月為一期,以保險公司報價為準(約每季NTD 1500)。欲投保者,請於註冊當日同時辦理投保;如欲續保,請於當期課程最後一週向本中心辦公室洽詢。
Accident insurance is also provided for the students enrolled at CLTC. The accident insurance comes valid on the first day of each quarter for the duration of 3 months as the regular term. The insurance fee depends on the statement by insurance company (about NTD 1500/quarter). Those who would like to have the insurance shall apply for it on the registration day; to continue the insurance, please apply for it within the last week of each semester.